Undergraduate Programs

Technology to Improve our Lives
From finding tumor edges for a class assignment to research on autonomous vehicles, electrical and computer engineering (ECE) students are studying and developing technology that improves lives.

What is it like to study ECE?
As engineers, we want to make things that work and our ECE students get hands-on opportunities to build systems from the very beginning.
See Educational Objectives for Undergraduates

Enhancing Your Education
Study abroad and mentorship programs.
Undergraduate Research is offered by many of the ECE research groups.
Design projects provide hands-on experience applying the knowledge gained from coursework and research.

IEEE Professional Resources
ECE adheres to and supports the Code of Ethics developed by the IEEE Professional Society.
We encourage all students to learn and follow the IEEE publication format and referencing standards found in the Style Manual.
See also the IEEE Author Digital Toolbox and the IEEE Publishing Tools and Policies.

Major Design Experience
ECE’s two-semester Major Design Experience (ECE 4805-4806) provides teams of students with an industry-like experience on projects specified and directed by industry partners. The teams take a substantial hardware project through the proposal process, design concept, implementation, and testing.

ECE Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)
Virginia Tech's electrical and computer engineering programs integrate a strong and broad technical education with experiential learning and engineering professionalism training to provide our graduates the necessary knowledge and skills to solve complex 21st century problems.

Enrollment & Degrees Conferred
For the academic year 2018-2019, ECE enrolled 545 computer engineering and 560 electrical engineering active students classified as sophomores, juniors, or seniors.
In the same year, ECE has conferred 184 and 175 computer engineering and electrical engineering Bachelor of Science (B.S.) degrees, respectively.
ECE Resources & Facilities
Technical Support Staff
The ECE Technical Support Team has a Helpdesk website at ECE Technical Support helpdesk.
Undergraduate PC's
All ECE undergraduate students are required to own a laptop that meets the College of Engineering requirements.
Some upper-level courses may require the use of the department workstation laboratory to access special software.
Undergraduates are also required to purchase the Engineering Student Software Bundle, which is purchased for their freshman year.
Additional, deeply discounted software is available for purchase by Virginia Tech students. See the Student Software site.
Computer Engineering Laboratories (CEL)
CEL pages give information on the schedule, supported classes and more. The CEL is located in 368, 373, & 375 Durham Hall.
CAD and Visualization Lab
ECE provides Unix workstations for student use. These machines are available to all ECE graduate and undergraduate students and have a variety of software for use in class assignments and research. The workstation labs are open 24x7x365 and are located in 432 Whittemore Hall on Virginia Tech's main campus.
For access information, please contact the ECE Helpdesk.
Protect your computer and the VT network. Visit security.vt.edu.
Hardware troubles?
Try the University Bookstore Computer Service Center. (Go to Computers, then Service Center)
Protect your computer and the VT network. Visit security.vt.edu.
Hardware troubles?
Try the University Bookstore Computer Service Center. (Go to Computers, then Service Center)

How to change a multimeter fuse.

Lab in a Box
Documents and user manuals for the Lab in a Box.
Undergraduate and graduate students participate in a number of student organizations and societies within the Department.
- Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Virginia Tech Student Branch
- Eta Kappa Nu (HKN)
- Linux and Unix Users Group (VTLUUG)
- National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE) at Virginia Tech
- Student Engineers' Council (SEC)
- Virginia Tech Amateur Radio Association (VTARA)
- Cyber Security Club @ Virginia Tech