The Bradley Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering of Virginia Tech is conducting research in a growing variety of fields.
In the past few years, we have recruited several new faculty members in the areas of power systems, power electronics, operating systems, secure hardware/software systems, neuromorphic computing, wireless networks, remote sensing, and wide bandgap devices.
In 2022, our faculty stands at 129 faculty which includes: 82 tenured/tenure-track faculty, 1 Professor of Practice, 3 Instructors, 14 Collegiate Faculty, and 29 Research Faculty.
With more than 1,000+ undergraduates, 319 graduate students, and 309 PhD students studying in the fields mentioned above and others such as computer vision, fiber-based sensing, cybersecurity, space science and engineering, nanophotonics, and computational biology.
The department continues to grow in research expenditures. According to the 2020 NSF HERD Expenditures Report, Virginia Tech ECE ranked 8th in research expenditures at $60M.

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