Graduate Program Forms
All ECE and all Graduate school forms that require department signature need to be submitted through the above site.
Payroll Processing/Hiring Information
- US Citizens and Resident Aliens
- Foreign Nationals with Social Security Number
- Foreign Nationals without Social Security Number
Full-time Staff and Faculty – New employee hires completed through the PageUp applicant tracking system are assigned an onboarding portal. New hires can find their assigned Virginia Tech ID number and begin working on their onboarding activities by logging into the PageUp system using the link provided in your welcome email.
Payroll Schedules
GRA/GTA Tuition Award Information
- 2021-2022 Graduate Tuition and Fees - Blacksburg
- 2021-2022 Graduate Tuition and Fees - Extended Campus
- GRA-GTA Work Location Confirmation Form
- Fall 2025 Graduate Force Add for Non-ECE Students
- Force adds are processed on a first come/first serve basis.
- Please be patient, most force adds for non-ECE students will not be processed until two weeks before the start of the semester.
- Fall 2025 Graduate Force Add Requests for ECE Student and UGGs
- Force adds are processed on a first come/first serve basis.
- Please be patient, it can take anywhere from a few days to a few weeks for ECE student force adds to be processed.