Ph.D. Degrees Awarded

Ph.D. Degrees Awarded 2019-2020
Adhikari, Rajendra
Algorithms and Simulation Framework for Residential Demand Response
Committee Chair: Rahman, S.
Bhela, Siddharth
Load Learning and Topology Optimization for Power Networks
Committee Chair: Kekatos, V.
Carrick, Matthew David
Cyclostationary Methods for Communication and Signal Detection Under Interference
Committee Chair: Reed, J.H.
Choi, Junsung
Feasibility Study and Performance Evaluation of Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) Communications Applications
Committee Chair: Dietrich, C.B.
Cui, Xuelin
Joint CT-MRI Image Reconstruction
Committee Chair: Mili, L.M.
Cvetkovic, Igor
Modeling and Control of Voltage-Controlling Converters for Enhanced Operation of Multi-Source Power Systems
Committee Chair: Boroyevich, D.
Debchoudhury, Shantanab
Parameter Estimation from Retarding Potential Analyzers in the Presence of Realistic Noise
Committee Chair: Earle, G.D.
DiMarino, Christina Marie
Design and Validation of a High-Density 10 kV Silicon Carbide MOSFET Power Module with Reduced Electric Field Strength and Integrated Common-Mode Screen
Committee Chair: Burgos, R.P.
Committee Co-Chair: Boroyevich, D.
Diomedi, Kevin Paul
A Curvature-Corrected Rough Surface Scattering Theory Through the Single-Scatter Subtraction Method
Committee Chair: Brown, G.S.
Edwards, Thomas Raymond
A Suite of Ionospheric Electrodynamics Models
Committee Chair: Weimer, D.R.
Eldosouky Mahmoud Salama, Abdelrahman A
Security of Critical Cyber-Physical Systems: Fundamentals and Optimization
Committee Chair: Saad, W.
Ge, Ting
Resonant Cross-Commutated DC-DC Regulators with Omni-Coupled Inductors
Committee Chair: Ngo, K.D.T.
Gibson, Scott Brian
Improved Dynamic Modeling and Robust Control of Autonomous Underwater Vehicles
Committee Chair: Stilwell, D.J.
Graf, Jonathan Peter
Optimizing Programmable Logic Design Security Strategies
Committee Chair: Athanas, P.M
Guo, Shengjian
Efficient Symbolic Execution of Concurrent Software
Committee Chair: Wang, C.
ECE Committee Co-Chair: Hsiao, M.S.
Karra, Kiran
Modeling and Analysis of Non-Linear Dependencies using Copulas, with Applications to Machine Learning
Committee Chair: Mili, L.M.
Kim, Hyunchul
Power Amplifiers and FIR Filter at Millimeter Wave
Committee Chair: Koh, K.J.
Kishk, Mustafa
Coverage, Secrecy, and Stability Analysis of Energy Harvesting Wireless Networks
Committee Chair: Dhillon, H.S.
Li, Bin
High Frequency Bi-Directional DC/DC Converter with Integrated Magnetics for Battery Charger Application
Committee Chair: Li, Q.
Li, Chengshuai
Multimodal Quantitative Imaging Based on Spectral Interferometry
Committee Chair: Zhu, Y.
Li, Chi
Comprehensive D-Q Frame Impedance-Based Small-Signal Stability Analysis in Power Systems with Multiple STATCOM Units in Close Physical Proximity
Committee Chair: Burgos, R.P.
Lin, Dong
Solar Wind-Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Coupling: Multiscale Study with Computational Models
Committee Chair: Scales, W.A.
Liu, Qingrui
Compiler-Directed Error Resilience for Reliable Computing
Committee Chair: Zeng, H.
Committee Co-Chair: Jung, C.
Liu, Qingyu
Delay-Aware Multi-Path Routing in a Multi-Hop Network: Algorithms and Applications
Committee Chair: Zeng, H.
Lyerly, Robert Frantz
Popcorn Linux: A Compiler and Runtime for Execution Migration Between Heterogeneous-ISA Architectures
Committee Chair: Ravindran, B.
Miao, Zichen
Packaging and Magnetic Integration for Reliable Switching of Paralleled SiC MOSFETs
Committee Chair: Ngo, K.D.T.
Mozaffari, Mohammad
Wireless Communications and Networking with Unmanned Aerial Vehicles: Fundamentals, Deployment, and Optimization
Committee Chair: Saad, W.
Netto, Marcos
Robust Identification, Estimation, and Control of Electric Power Systems Using the Koopman Operator-Theoretic Framework
Committee Chair: Mili, L.M.
Ohn, Sungjae
Circuits and Modulation Schemes to Achieve High Power-Density in SiC Grid-Connected Converters
Committee Chair: Boroyevich, D.
Park, Shinwoong
Reconfigurable Discrete-Time Analog FIR filters for Wideband Analog Signal Processing
Committee Chair: Raman, S.
Saha, Deba Pratim
A Study of Methods for Incorporating Implicit Affective Feedback in Intelligent Environments
Committee Chair: Martin, T.L.
Committee Co-Chair: Knapp, R.B.
Sanjab, Anibal Jean
Security of Cyber-Physical Systems with Human Actors: Theoretical Foundations, Game Theory, and Bounded Rationality
Committee Chair: Saad, W.
Shi, Xueling
Occurrence Statistics and Driving Mechanisms of Ionospheric Ultra-Low Frequency Waves Observed by SuperDARN Radars
Committee Chair: Ruohoniemi, J.M.
Committee Co-Chair: Baker, J.B.
Sohanghpurwala, Ali Asgar Ali Akbar
Exploits in Concurrency for Boolean Satisfiability
Committee Chair: Athanas, P.M.
Sun, Bingyao
High-Frequency Oriented Design of Gallium-Nitride (GaN) Based High Power Density Converters
Committee Chair: Burgos, R.P.
Venkataramani, Karthik
Modeling the Energetics of the Upper Atmosphere
Committee Chair: Bailey, S.M.
Wang, Chen
Renewable Energy Integrated Power System Stability Assessment with Validated System Model Based on PMU Measurements
Committee Chair: Centeno, V.A.
Wang, Qiong
Form-Factor-Constrained, High Power Density, Extreme Efficiency and Modular Power Converters
Committee Chair: Burgos, R.P.
Wu, Meng
Static Analysis and Runtime Enforcement for Critical Applications
Committee Chair: Schaumont, P.R.
Xu, Yijun
Uncertainty Quantification, State and Parameter Estimation in Power Systems Using Polynomial Chaos Based Methods
Committee Chair: Mili, L.M.
Committee Co-Chair: Rahman, S.
Yetkin, Harun
Formal Derivation of Decision-Theoretic Approaches for Search and Environment Characterization Applications
Committee Chair: Stilwell, D.J.
Yu, Li
Multi-Material Fiber Fabrication and Application in Distributed Sensing
Committee Chair: Wang, A.
Zeng, Kexiong
Threat and Application of Flexible Radio Systems
Committee Chair: Yang, Y.
Zhang, Xiangyu
A Data-Driven Approach for Coordinating Air Conditioning Units in Buildings During Demand Response Events
Committee Chair: Rahman, S.
Zhao, Xiaonan
High-Efficiency and High-Power Density DC-DC Power Conversion Using Wide Bandgap Devices for Modular Photovoltaic Applications
Committee Chair: Lai, J.S.