Patents Issued 2019

Method and apparatus for balancing current and power
10,187,050, Issued: Jan. 22, 2019
Inventors: Y. Mao, C.-M. Wang, K. Ngo,
Method for jointly adapting an OFDM waveform and the demodulator for interference mitigation and harsh channels
10,200,138, Issued: Feb. 5, 2019
Inventors: M. Carrick, J.H. Reed, V. Marojevic
Learning and deployment of adaptive wireless communications
10,217,047, Issued: Feb. 26, 2019
Inventors: T.J. O'Shea
Multiphase coupled and integrated inductors with printed circuit board (PBC) windings for power factor correction (PFC) converters
10,217,559, Issued: Feb. 26, 2019
Inventors: Y. Yang, M. Mu, F.C. Lee, Q. Li
Transmitter for transmitting a high-rate data transmission through direct excitation
10,218,540, Issued: Feb. 26, 2019
Inventors: M. Salehi, M. Manteghi
Serial weak FBG interrogator using pulses of differing wavelengths
10,234,346, Issued: March 19, 2019
Inventors: B. Dong, F. Shen, A. Wang
Process and system for establishing a moving target connection for secure communications in client/server systems
10,243,733, Issued: March 26, 2019
Inventors: C.F. Morrell, R.A. Moore, J.G. Tront, R. C. Marchany
Optimal battery current waveform for bidirectional PHEV battery charger
10,250,053, Issued: April 2, 2019
Inventors: L. Xue, P. Mattavelli, D. Boroyevich
Cooler with emi-limiting inductor
10,290,587, Issued: May 14, 2019
Inventors: K. Ngo, C.-M. Wang, H. Cui
Critical-mode-based soft-switching techniques for three-phase bi-directional AC/DC converters
10,291,109, Issued: May 14, 2019
Inventors: Z. Huang, Z. Liu, F.C. Lee, Q. Li, F. Xiao
Learning radio signals using radio signal transformers
10,296,831, Issued: May 21, 2019
Inventors: T.J. O'Shea
Encoding and decoding of information for wireless transmission using multi-antenna transceivers
10,305,553, Issued: May 28, 2019
Inventors: T.J. O'Shea, T. Erpek
Current mode control DC-DC converter with single step load transient response
10,312,805, Issued: June 4, 2019
Inventors: V. Li, P.-H. Liu, Q. Li, F.C. Lee
Groups signatures with probabilistic revocation
10,326,602, Issued: June 18, 2019
Inventors: Jung-Min (Jerry) Park and Vireshwar Kumar
Omnidirectional wireless power transfer system
10,333,353, Issued: June 25, 2019
Inventors: J. Feng, Q. Li, F.C. Lee, M. Fu
Soft-switching triangular current mode control for three phase two-level converters with power factor control
10,381,921, Issued: Aug. 13, 2019
Inventors: N. Haryani, R. Burgos
Coupled inductor for interleaved multi-phase three-level DC-DC converters
10,396,684, Issued: Aug. 27, 2019
Inventors: M. Mu, S. Lu, Y. Jiao, F.C. Lee
Processing of communications signals using machine learning
10,396,919, Issued: Aug. 27, 2019
Inventors: T.J. O'Shea, T.C. Clancy, III
Modular multilevel converter capacitor voltage ripple reduction
10,404,064, Issued: Sept. 3, 2019
Inventors: Y. Lyu, Y.-H. Hsieh, F.C. Lee, Q. Li
Optical sensing fiber
10,408,995, Issued: Sept. 10, 2019
Inventors: B. Dong, A. Wang
Using power fingerprinting (PFP) to monitor the integrity and enhance security of computer based systems
10,423,207, Issued: Sept. 24, 2019
Inventors: J.H. Reed, C.R. Aguayo Gonzalez
Microprocessor fault detection and response system
10,452,493, Issued: Oct. 22, 2019
Inventors: B. Yuce, N.F. Ghalaty, P.R. Schaumont
Variable DC link converter and transformer for wide output voltage range applications
10,454,381, Issued: Oct. 22, 2019
Inventors: B. Li, Z. Liu, F.C. Lee, Q. Li
Sapphire sensor apparatus including an optical fiber for measuring pressure and temperature
10,495,525, Issued: Dec. 3, 2019
Inventors: B. Dong, A. Wang