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Graduate Programs

Graduate studies in electrical and computer engineering help students delve deeply into the technology and hone their research and design skills.

Graduate students work with faculty advisors to extend knowledge and technology in the field. Projects range from developing brain implants for treating neurological disorders to building the world’s smallest adapter.

ECE’s research portfolio typically realizes about $35 million annually, with funding from the National Science Foundation, the National Institutes of Health, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, and from companies like Boeing, Intel, Motorola, Northrup Grumman, and 3M Company among others.

ECE consistently places among the best engineering graduate schools in the country, with top ranked research programs like Power Electronics Systems, Space and Atmospheric Sciences, and Wireless and Secure Systems, which are among the largest and most renowned programs in their fields.

Degree Programs

ECE offers masters and PH.D. degree programs in electrical (EE) and computer engineering (CPE). The Ph.D. and M.S. degrees are research-based and the M.Eng. is project-based.

Meet Our Graduate Students

ECE graduate students come from around the world, from many different economic backgrounds, ethnicities, and traditions. Meet some of the grad students who enrich our programs.

Organizations & Projects

Graduate students are invited to participate in the ECE student professional organizations and projects. Grad students often provide the leadership for these efforts.

IEEE Professional Resources

ECE adheres to and supports the Code of Ethics developed by the IEEE Professional Society.

We encourage all students to learn and follow the IEEE publication format and referencing standards found in the IEEE Style Manual.

See also the IEEE Author Digital Toolbox and the IEEE Publishing Tools and Policies.

ECE Resources and Facilities

Technical Support Staff

The ECE Technical Support Team has a Helpdesk website at ECE Technical Support helpdesk.

Undergraduate PC's


All ECE undergraduate students are required to own a laptop that meets the College of Engineering requirements.

Some upper-level courses may require the use of the department workstation laboratory to access special software.


Undergraduates are also required to purchase the Engineering Student Software Bundle, which is purchased for their freshman year.

Additional, deeply discounted software is available for purchase by Virginia Tech students. See the Student Software site.

Computer Engineering Laboratories (CEL)

CEL pages give information on the schedule, supported classes and more. The CEL is located in 368, 373, & 375 Durham Hall.

CAD and Visualization Lab

ECE provides Unix workstations for student use. These machines are available to all ECE graduate and undergraduate students and have a variety of software for use in class assignments and research. The workstation labs are open 24x7x365 and are located in 432 Whittemore Hall on Virginia Tech's main campus.

For access information, please contact the ECE Helpdesk.


Protect your computer and the VT network. Visit

Hardware troubles?

Try the University Bookstore Computer Service Center. (Go to Computers, then Service Center)

IEEE Professional Resources

ECE adheres to and supports the Code of Ethics developed by the IEEE Professional Society.

We encourage all students to learn and follow the IEEE publication format and referencing standards found in the Style Manual. See also the IEEE Author Digital Toolbox and the IEEE Publishing Tools and Policies.

Open Electronics (OpEL) Lab

Whittemore 219

The OpEL supports the DC Circuits (ECE 2074 & ECE 2054) and AC Circuits (ECE 3074) labs. Students use their own test equipment from their Lab-in-a-Box kit and ECE supplied components. Validation, grading, help, and guidance are available.

Electric Power Systems Lab

Whittemore 430

The power lab (ECE 3354) introduces students to power transmission, transformers, various kinds of motors, and power issues associated with modern lighting. There is strong emphasis on safety because the lab employs real 208V 3 phase power at the kilowatt level.

Integrated Design Studio

Whittemore 234

The Design Studio provides a maker space for teams of students in Senior Design Project (ECE 4805/ECE 4806). A conference room is available for teams to communicate with their corporate sponsors. Students may access the space 24 x 7, by following appropriate safety guidelines.

Computer Engineering Labs

Durham 368

EE and CpE students complete core course projects using microcontrollers and FPGAs. Teaching assistants provide project guidance. Support for ECE 2504, ECE 2534, ECE 3544, ECE 4534, ECE 4514, ECE 4530.

Electronics Lab

Whittemore 251/253

This is a "traditional" lab that can accommodate 16 students at once. It supports Electronics I (ECE 2274) and Electronics II (ECE 3274). The students learn about everything from diodes and transistors to electronic circuit design.


More Information Available Soon.

Autonomous Mastery Prototyping (AMP) Lab

Whittemore 234

The AMP Lab is a student-run, student-focused co-curricular instructional lab within the ECE Department. Members design and build their own projects with provided funding, a mentor, and 24/7 lab access. Anyone, any level, any ECE project.

For information about graduate student matters in ECE, please review the ECE Graduate pages and the ECE Graduate Policy Manual.

Direct-Ph.D., Ph.D. ECE Graduate Admissions Coordinator and Program Advisor (Blacksburg & D.C. area)

Laura Villada
(540) 231-7494

M.S. Graduate Student Services Academic & Career Advisor (Blacksburg & D.C. Area)

Nicole Sutphin
(540) 231-7539

M.Eng. Graduate Academic Advisor (Blacksburg & D.C. Area)

Rebecca Stevenson