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ECE 3174 - Optolectronics Laboratory (1C)

Course Description

Characterization of optoelectronic devices such as light emitting diodes, semiconductor lasers, and photodetectors. Characterization and analysis of optical interference, wave propagation in optical fibers, and optical diffraction. Construction of simple optical imaging systems using lenses and bulk optics.

Why take this course?

Characterization of devices such as lasers and photodetectors is a fundamental skill for students in the photonics area. Additionally, being able to observe optical interference, optical diffraction, and light guiding in optical fibers provides a solid foundation for senior students in the photonics area. By carrying out experiments in this course, the students can gain an intuitive and in-depth understanding of electromagnetic fields as waves and as photons. This course complements the lecture course Introduction to Optoelectronics and serves as the foundation for follow up senior level courses Photonics and Optical Systems.

Learning Objectives

  • Characterize the performance of light-emitting diodes, semiconductor lasers, and photodetectors;
  • Construct simple optical imaging systems using lenses and bulk optics;
  • Observe and characterize optical interference;
  • Conduct experiments that demonstrate the transmission of optical signals in an optical fiber
  • Estimate the effect of optical diffraction of guided fiber modes.