Dennis Sweeney

The Bradley Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering is pleased to welcome Dennis Sweeney (BSEE '71; MS '86; Ph.D. '92) as Director of Instructional Labs. In this role, Sweeney will oversee the creation, operation, and ongoing improvement of instructional laboratories. He will also partner with faculty members to develop and deliver original and cutting-edge laboratory and design courses.

Sweeney comes to the ECE from the Aerospace Corporation in Chantilly, Va., where he served as an engineering specialist. His assignments consisted of working on satellite systems for government clients and designing new modulation formats, radio receivers, precision space based clocks, and satellite power systems.

Prior to the Aerospace Corporation, Sweeney was assistant research professor with the Center for Wireless Telecommunications (CWT) at Virginia Tech, where he conducted research on and taught courses in Bluetooth, local multipoint distribution services (LMDS) and ultra wideband (UWB) radio applications.

Sweeney’s research focus is the development of radio communications systems, with a particular interest in satellite systems and radio frequency circuit design.

Sweeney earned his Bachelor of Science degree in EE (’71) from Virginia Tech, received an Master of Arts in religious studies (’76) from the Catholic University of America, and obtained his Master of Science (’86) and Ph.D. (’92) degrees in EE from Virginia Tech.