Rolando Burgos joins ECE
August 27, 2012

Rolando Burgos
August 27, 2012 — Rolando Burgos has joined the ECE faculty as an associate professor. He comes to Virginia Tech from ABB Corporate Research in Raleigh, where he served as principal scientist. He was also an adjunct associate professor at North Carolina State University's Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering.
Burgos' experience includes testing and circuit design with wide band-gap semiconductor devices, multilevel electromagnetic circuit simulation, linear and nonlinear control system design and analysis, digital signal processor programming, and VHDL and code generation for FPGA and other CPLDs. He is the principal investigator for a Department of Energy grant to develop a superconducting magnet energy storage power converter system.
He has authored 166 journal and conference papers and is the 2012 technical program chair for the IEEE Energy Conversion Conference and Exposition. Burgos also serves as associate editor for the IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics and for the IEEE Power Electronics Letters.
Burgos earned his B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees from the University of Concepcion in Chile in 1997, 1999, and 2002 respectively. After earning his Ph.D., Burgos did research at Virginia Tech's Center for Power Electronics Systems, where he was a postdoctoral fellow, a research scientist, and a research assistant professor.