ECE 5666 - Telecommunications (3C)
Course Description
Analog modulations, AM, FM. Digital modulations, ASK, FSK, PSK, QAM. RRC filtering, digital transmission. Multiplexing, multiple access. Error control, FEC, ARQ. Local area networks. Optical communication systems. Satellite communications, GPS.
Why take this course?
The Telecommunications sequence offers students enrolled in the Master of Information Technology program the opportunity to learn about modern telecommunication systems and techniques and to broaden their understanding of electronic communication systems within the information technology program. Because the typical MIT student does not have a first degree in engineering, there are no other courses open to students in the area of telecommunications. MIT students enrolled in Telecommunications learn the techniques and processes that enable digital data to be carried by optical fibers, satellites and wireless networks. This significantly improves their knowledge of information systems by providing a sound background in the physical layer of digital communication systems.
Learning Objectives